Video Tutorial – One Charm Pack Quilt

Trending 1 year ago

January 4, by . Leave a Comment

A charm battalion is simply a pre-cut assortment of cloth squares, usually 5 inches by 5 inches, that are portion of a coordinating cloth collection. They are a large starting constituent for a assortment of quilting projects, and utilizing conscionable 1 charm battalion is simply a speedy and casual mode to make a tiny quilt. In this tutorial, Hailey walks you done the steps for piecing unneurotic a quilt apical utilizing charm battalion squares, adding batting and backing, and finishing the quilt with a elemental binding.

By the extremity of this tutorial, you’ll person a cozy and colorful quilt to snuggle up with. This tutorial explains however to marque a escaped babe quilt signifier called Charming Sawtooth. This quilt uses conscionable 42 5″ squares and 1 gait of inheritance fabric. Let’s get started!

Source Craft Gossip
Craft Gossip