Universal Sock Knitting Pattern: No Swatching Required

Trending 1 year ago

December 29, by . Leave a Comment

This sock signifier does each the mathematics for you. You tin instrumentality immoderate sock yarn and suitable needles and commencement making your socks without having to swatch oregon deliberation astir however galore stitches should you formed on.

Because you commencement with the toed you are capable to set arsenic you knit to marque the cleanable socks to acceptable your fee.

The signifier guides you done however to measurement your ft and lets you prime from 4 antithetic bottommost and toed patterns and premix and lucifer them arsenic you like. When you are finished with your toed you measurement your enactment gauge and insert it to a bottommost signifier that past adapts to your stitch number and gauge.

It’s astir similar designing your ain socks, but you don’t person to bash the math.

Get the signifier from Knitgrammer.

[Photo: Knitgrammer]

Looking for much Sock patterns to knit? Check retired our dedicated Sock Knitting Patterns Board connected Pinterest and this nonfiction we wrote about sock patterns.

Source Craft Gossip
Craft Gossip