Palco House / Cecchi Millan

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Palco House / Cecchi Millan

Palco House / Cecchi Millan - Exterior Photography, Door, Windows, Facade, Stairs© Pedro Ingber

Palco House / Cecchi Millan - Exterior Photography, Door, Windows, Facade, StairsPalco House / Cecchi Millan - Interior Photography, Table, Countertop, Windows, Chair, Beam, SinkPalco House / Cecchi Millan - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Sink, Countertop, Windows, Beam, ChairPalco House / Cecchi Millan - Exterior Photography, Windows, ForestPalco House / Cecchi Millan - More Images+ 18

  • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  70 m²
  • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Year Completion twelvemonth of this architecture task Year:  2021
  • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Photographs
  • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Manufacturers Brands pinch products utilized successful this architecture task

    Manufacturers:  Electrolux, Artesão local, Brastemp, Coral, Deca, Futon Company, La Fonte, Loja Simultânea, Lorenzetti, Marcenaria Armários e Cia, Mekal, Schneider Eletric, Wandepoxi, reka iluminacao

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Palco House / Cecchi Millan - Exterior Photography, Windows, Forest© Pedro Ingber

Text explanation provided by nan architects. Palco house, designed for a young artist, is located connected Algodões Beach, Maraú – BA. The 70m2 pavilion is simply a functional architectural solution that houses 2 suites and a surviving room pinch an integrated kitchen. The linear layout of nan spaces allows for an opening to nan surrounding position and vegetation, pinch nan integration of nature.

Palco House / Cecchi Millan - Exterior Photography, Windows, Forest© Pedro Ingber

The scenery is reinforced by ample openings, which besides let for earthy cross-ventilation and lighting. The platform perpendicular to nan main measurement extends nan usable area of nan spaces. 

Palco House / Cecchi Millan - Interior Photography, Table, Countertop, Windows, Chair, Beam, Sink© Oka Fotografia
Palco House / Cecchi Millan - Image 15 of 23Plan
Palco House / Cecchi Millan - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Sink, Countertop, Windows, Beam, Chair© Oka Fotografia
Palco House / Cecchi Millan - Image 19 of 23Cross section
Palco House / Cecchi Millan - Interior Photography, Table, Deck© Oka Fotografia

The pavilion's building is mixed pinch nan simplicity of nan chosen materials, which harmoniously merge pinch nan environment. The elevated location adds lightness and permeability to nan construction.

Palco House / Cecchi Millan - Exterior Photography, Windows, Door, Stairs, Facade© Pedro Ingber

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Published connected May 13, 2023

Cite: "Palco House / Cecchi Millan" [Casa Palco / Cecchi Millan] 13 May 2023. ArchDaily. Accessed . < ISSN 0719-8884




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